Following the March 2024 legislative elections, Luís Montenegro was appointed Prime Minister by the President of the Republic and presented his government on March 28th. As expected, given the highly challenging political situation, the executive led Luís Montenegro and made up of 17 ministries has a strong political component.
The XXIV Government includes seven women, has an average age of 54.6 years, with the youngest member being Margarida Balseiro Lopes, Minister for Youth and Modernisation, aged 34, and the most senior, Maria da Graça Carvalho, aged 68, Minister for the Environment and Energy. The number of ministers – 18, including the Prime Minister – is the same as in the previous government led by António Costa.
This report provides an overview of the composition of the XXIV Government and the priorities that exist in each sector. The profiles of the Ministers are provided as well as their most relevant experiences and the dossiers awaiting them.